Good Afternoon, Chula Vista:
My name is Arthur Schaper. I am the Organization Director
for MassResistance. We are the international pro-family group that makes the
difference. Since 1993, we have been fighting the pro-family fight with
conviction and fully confrontation. Whereas many pro-family groups have sought
accommodation and compromise, we have learned through trial and error that
fully exposing and confronting the LGBT Agenda and all of its issues is the
only way to fight effectively for faith, family, and freedom.
Last month, our organization received a number of calls and
complaints about this upcoming Drag Queen Story Hour at the Otay Ranch Branch
of the Chula Vista Library.
To be clear, Drag Queen Story Hour is not innocent fun to
celebrate play while teaching diversity and tolerance.
The truth is that this program has a clear-cut, perverse
agenda. On its own website, Drag Queen Story Hour clear states:
“DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender
fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer
role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid
gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish,
where dress up is real.”
Gender Fluidity is a false concept. There is male. There is
female. There is no biological evidence whatsoever to suggest that there is
anything beyond two sexes.
Furthermore, this concept of “queer role models” is deeply
Drag queens are adult entertainers, impure yet simple. The
whole drag culture is associated, saturated in illicit, sexually explicit adult
themes. The drug use and sexual promiscuity associated with drag entertainment
has no business being around children.
To be frank, what does promoting drag queen entertainment
really have to do with teaching tolerance, acceptance, or diversity? If adult
entertainers want to engage in these behaviors, they can do so freely in the
nightclubs and cabarets – but not around children. There is no place for this.
Let’s be more clear about this matter, however:
homosexuality, transgenderism, and other sexual behaviors associated with the
LGBT agenda are not behaviors which should be promoted to children, especially
children as young as 3 years old. These are destructive behaviors which witness
a high incidence of disease, dysfunction and death.
Yet putting aside this matter, let’s confront some of the
talking points promoted by the drag queens themselves.
First, the claim that drag queens are just
cartoon characters, clowns. If that’s the case, then why not have real clowns
or cartoon characters read stories to children, as opposed to adult
entertainers from night clubs? Where does this stop? What’s to prevent
strippers, pole dancers, or porn star story our next?
Second, drag queens have argued that there is no
push from this agenda to make kids into drag queens. That is a total lie. In
Ames, Iowa, in Delaware County Ohio, and in other locations, this drag queen
program explicitly directs children to come up with their own “Drag names.” In
Henderson, Nevada, one of the drag queens handed out a tutu to have a boy put
on, as well. In Ames, Iowa, children were handing dollars to drag queen
performers. One drag queen cut off a child in his audience and said “You can be
a drag queen super hero.”
The third lie is that “Drag entertainers pose no
threat to these children.” That is a total lie. One drag queen admitted in an
opening hearing “This will be the grooming of the next generation.” Our MassResistance
team in Houston Texas uncovered not one, but two sex offenders reading to
children in the Houston, Texas drag queen story hour. No background checks were
conducted. One of the offenders had assaulted an eight-year-old boy. The other
had molested four children! In Austin Texas, we learned that the drag queen
there had been convicted of male prostitution. These people are not role
models. We should have role models, men and women who contribute to our
communities in a healthy manner.
The final point that is often made is that no
one is forcing their children to attend this program. “If you don’t like Drag
Queen story hour, then don’t take your children.” Here’s the problem. We are
not talking about preferential differences in hobbies. We are not talking about
a quaint reading time. We are talking about sexual perversion being pushed onto
children. Everyone of us has a duty to stand up to this immoral nonsense.
Parental rights are not absolute, and use of public funds is not limitless.
Taxpayer dollars should not be funding this trash, and public facilities should
not be hosting these perverse programs, either.
Working with churches, leaders, and outraged citizens
throughout San Diego County, and specifically in Chula Vista, MassResistance
has launched a full court press to demand that the library cancel this
perverse, misguided program at the Otay Ranch branch of the Chula Vista
Despite numerous calls and contacts with the library staff,
managers, and with city council members, we have received no information about
the two drag queens Raquelita and Barbie Q. We do not know their real names. No
background checks have been conducted. The city library commission and the city
council have cancelled all their meetings and will not meet with the public to
justify this terrible decision. There is so much secrecy around this whole
These efforts have been more than impressive. Men and women
of all backgrounds have stepped up and declared that they have had enough of
this agenda being forced onto innocent children.
Once again, on behalf of the growing number of outraged
parents and citizens in Chula Vista and throughout the country, MassResistance
is demanding this drag queen story hour program in the local library system be
canceled for good.

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